
Electrochemical Energy Storage Technologies and the Automotive Industry

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Elated Hydro, Pumped Hydro, Fuel Cell, Supercapacitor, Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage to meet Peak Hour demand of Grid.

Bulk Energy Storage in Giga Watt devices to meet peak hour demand of the Grid.

Energy or Electricity storage in small quantity is being done by lead-acid batteries and capacitors. Contrary to the general belief that energy can’t be stored in huge quantity there are many devices already in use which may store Mega Watts and even Giga Watts.

Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) systems store energy in the magnetic field created by the flow of direct current in a superconducting coil. Superconducting Magnetic Storage Energy Systems store energy within a magnet and release it within a fraction of a cycle.

In compressed air energy storage, off-peak power is taken from the Grid and is used to pump air into a sealed underground cavern to a high pressure. Compressed air stored is utilized during peak hour for generation of electricity. For compression of air renewable energy sources such as solar and wind may be utilized.

Super capacitors and Ultra capacitors are the new super battery for energy storage. Super capacitors will supply power to the system when there are surges.

A fuel cell is an electrochemical cell that derives its energy from combustible substances such as hydrogen, methane, propane, and methanol. A fuel cell converts a source fuel into an electric current.

Making ice during night and using it for cooling of building at day time is also good idea to store electricity.

Molten salt solar energy storage, Ammonia energy storage, Flywheel energy storage plant and natural and synthetic zeolites are also some innovation which is already in developmental stages.

For storing energy in huge quantity Pumped storage hydro power plant is best option. Water from sea, River, Lake and Used flooded mines may be pumped to height at 500 to 700 meters by making reservoirs at hill. Reversible Pump-Turbine and Motor-Generator set is being used for the purpose. Combined efficiency of this system may be higher than 70%. Off peak power from conventional sources such as Thermal Power Plant or Nuclear Power Plant may be used. Renewable energy sources such as solar or wind may also be used for pumping of water to higher elevation. Pumped storage hydro power plant is very profitable as energy may be purchased during night or off peak period at negligible cost and same power may be sold at very higher prices at Peak Hours. Fluctuation is frequency and voltage may be minimized and smart management of grid is added advantage.

There are old hydro power plants which run on base load and even water is spilled during rainy season. Wastage of energy due to spilling of water may be avoided by increasing generation capacity. By increasing generation capacity these hydro power plants may be used for peak load demands. Installing new hydro power plants involves great cost and time but increasing its generation capacity involves negligible cost and time. This type of hydro power plants may be termed as elated hydro power plant and best for meeting peak hour demand. Commercially these Hydro power plants may bring huge profits for investors and stability in Grid may be ensured by this idea. Pumping losses may be completely avoided which may be more than 25% in case of Pumped hydro power plant.

Elated and Pumped Hydro power plant may store electricity in Giga Watt and these are feasible solution which are ensuring grid stability and bring huge profits for investors. Others innovation is also fast becoming commercially viable solution and may become reliable source of energy storage so that renewable energy may effectively used in future. Development of energy storage devices may ensure effective use of intermittent renewable energy sources such as solar and wind which are source of clean and green energy and may replace other polluting energy sources in future.

Our future is heavily dependent on innovation of energy or electricity storage devices which may pave the way for effective use of clean energy sources.