
Electrochemical Energy Storage Technologies and the Automotive Industry

Sunday, July 2, 2017

The End of Batteries? 500 Miles on a 5 Minute Charge - Unlimited Solar Power Storage


For decades, the weak link in the chain of innovation for electric vehicles, cell phones, laptop computers and solar panels has been the inability to utilize them properly due to the lack of advancements in battery technology and energy storage. Well all that seems to be coming to an end with some very promising technologies currently under development.
In Cedar Park, Texas there is one start-up that seems to have developed a very promising technology that may very well transform the way we store electrical energy, wind energy and solar energy for these technological wonders of the 21st Century. The company is EEStor, Inc. and its new technology is based on a solid state ultra-capacitor; which unlike a battery does not use any chemicals. However, its design cannot be accurately described as an Ultra-capacitor either. Ultra-capacitors have a distinct advantage over electrochemical batteries in their ability to absorb and release an electrical charge instantaneously, without undergoing any degradation to its components. However, batteries have an advantage in their ability to store much larger amounts of energy at a given time.
EEStor's ultra-capacitor is called the EESU, or Electrical Energy Storage Unit. The significance of the EESU is that it combines the best of both technologies.
The EESU's advancement is based on a barium-titanate insulator, which EEStor claims increases the specific energy of the unit far beyond that achievable with today's ultracapacitor technology.
EEStor originally developed its solid-state EESU technology as a lighter, longer lasting, and more environmentally friendly electronic storage unit with applications for a wide variety of devices and industries. Part of their vision also was to facilitate the conversion of wind energy and solar energy from photovoltaics into primary electrical energy providers, thus increasing the role of renewables in the production of an ever increasing demand for energy.
EEStor claims that this new advance allows for a specific energy of about 280 watts per kilogram. This represents a more than doubling of that of the most advanced lithium-ion technology and more than ten times that of lead-acid batteries. This would allow an electric vehicle to travel up to 500 miles on a five minute charge. As compared to current battery technology which offers an average 50 - 100 mile range on an overnight charge. And just as significant, EEStor says they will be able to mass-produce the units at a fraction of the cost of traditional batteries.
Ian Clifford of ZENN Motor Co, an early investor, says "this is a paradigm shift" in the battery industry. He also owns the exclusive rights for the use of the EESU technology in electric cars. "The Achilles' heel to the electric car industry has been energy storage. By all rights, this would make internal combustion engines unnecessary."
ZENN Motor Co. isn't the only company betting on this new technology. Lockheed-Martin, the world's largest defense contractor, has also secured the rights to use the technology in military applications. One of the largest venture capital firms, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, has invested heavily in the venture - giving significant credence to the merits of this breakthrough technology.
If the claims made by EEStor, Inc. are true it will be tantamount to a whole new post-battery era in technology. The company also claims the technology can be scaled up or down for virtually any application. The technology could be used in devices as small as pacemakers, mp3 players as well as solar panel arrays.
These Energy Storage Units could literally revolutionize the use of solar energy both in the Industrial usage of solar energy as well as the residential use of solar panels. Combining this technology with the recent advancements in the efficiency of solar panels could take millions of Americans completely off the grid. Operating totally off the grid will no longer be for an elite few, but now it can truly be the goal of the masses.
If it comes to fruition, the technology could revolutionize virtually every aspect of energy storage. As if all this wasn't enough, because it is based on solid state architecture and is not dependent on chemicals, the technology would be much safer than current battery technology, environmentally friendly, and the consumer would benefit from the unparalleled life span of the Ultra-capacitor.
EEStor has stated that they plan to roll out the first production units later this year, while ZENN Motor Co hopes to have cars on the road by the Fall of 2009 with the EESU Ultra-capacitor. If this technology lives up to its promise, not only would it be environmentally friendly but it could finally break the strangle hold OPEC has on the American economy. We could finally see an end to $4/gallon gasoline.
Visit Solar Energy [] and learn more about these emerging technologies that promise to transform your efforts to go Green [].

Understanding Sustainable Energy Storage


One of the greatest obstacles facing the sustainable energy industry is the lack of large-scale storage. It is widely known that an economical solution to sustainable energy storage is needed in order to adopt the goal of 100 percent usage of renewable energy sources. Many possible solutions to the problem of electrical energy storage are being researched and tested. This article will examine and attempt to determine the viability of some of the most common theories.
Current storage options for electrical energy
Some discussion is required about the current methods and ideas pertaining to the storage of electrical energies. The subject has been the focus of numerous research studies and many theories abound. The following are the five most common options along with a quick analysis:
1. Electrical energy- Supercapacitors store energy with activated carbon. They can be nearly instantaneously charged and release stored energy efficiently. Much research is underway to develop more inexpensive and readily available materials. Graphene is one possible material. Large-scale storage is not practical at this time. Supercapacitors hold much promise in the future, but current technology and cost make this a prohibitive strategy anytime in the near-term.
2. Potential energy- Hydro-electric pumped storage is the most popular type of option right now. Excess electrical energy is used to pump water to an upper reservoir and when needed the water is released to run turbines to generate electricity. This is an excellent intermediate storage system, but on a large-scale basis, the availability and cost of infrastructure is prohibitive.
3. Mechanical energy- Compressed air and flywheel energy storage hold some promise. This type of system uses excess energy to compress air and the air is then stored until needed. When the air is released, it can power turbines to create electrical power. There are a couple of projects being tested and the results are encouraging. These types of storage are also expensive and require a large infrastructure build-out.
4. Electrochemical energy- Battery storage also holds promise in the future. The current technology is lead-acid and lithium-ion. Large-scale storage is not feasible with current technologies. Unless a major break-through occurs, battery storage is too cost-prohibitive. There is a lot of research and work being done on battery technology at the present.
5. Chemical energy- Fuel conversion storage is the most promising option right now. This method relies on chemical reactions to convert electrical energy into an energy form that is storable. One good example of this is hydrogen fuel cells. If this can be accomplished economically, this has the best large-scale and long-term characteristics that are needed for viable energy storage.
This has been a very brief overview of energy storage technology. Currently, no comprehensive solution has been presented for solving our storage conundrum. In a future article, we will explore a very promising fuel conversion process, taking place in Germany. Sustainable energy storage is very important to the viability of a complete renewable energy future. Great minds are at work and confidence is high that a solution will be found.
Learn more about renewable and sustainable energy storage []. Discover the benefits of renewable energy [] at my Sustainable Energy Advantage website. Click on the above links to expand your knowledge about sustainable energy.

Energy Storage: Pumped Hydro Storage Solution


Pumped hydro storage is one type of hydro electric power generation and storage used by utilities for load balancing. This method of energy storing is in water form, pumped from a lower elevated reservoir to a higher elevation reservoir. The pumps are run by low cost off peak electric power. The stored water is released during periods of high electrical demand through traditional turbines to generate electric power. This system adds electric power during peak demand periods when electricity rates are highest. The largest capacity form of grid energy storage available is the pumped storage. It accounts for more than 99% of storage capacity worldwide.
Most facilities use the elevation differences between bodies of water or artificial reservoirs. Pure pumped storage plants shifts the water in between reservoirs. A combination of this and conventional hydro electric plants is called the pump back approach. It uses natural stream flow. Conventional hydro electric plants do not use pumped storage.
Considering the evaporation losses from the exposed water surface and the conversion losses, an estimated 70% to 80% of the electric energy used to pump the water up to the higher reservoir can be recovered. This method is the most cost effective means in storing large amounts of electric energy in an operating basis. Critical decision aspects include capital cost and the appropriate geographical locations (i.e., proximity to demand and transmission capacity). It is a requirement for low energy density pumped storage systems to have large bodies of water or large variations in height.
One effective way to store a great amount of energy is through a large body of water situated on a hill. This occurs naturally in some places while it is man made in other places. This is very cost effective because it flattens out load difference on the power grid, allowing thermal power stations like coal fired plants, nuclear plants and renewable energy power plants to provide base load power to continue operating during peak efficiency. Capital costs for purpose built hydro storage however are relatively high. Thermal plants are less able to respond to sudden demand in electric power, while for pumped storage plants like any other hydro electric plants can respond to load changes even in just a few seconds.
Italy and Switzerland were the first two countries to use pumped storage in the 1890s. The United States first use pumped storage in 1930 by the Connecticut Electric and Power Company.
The five largest operational pumped-storage plants in the world now are the following:
1. Bath County Station- Virginia, United States (with a 3,003 megawatt capacity)
2. Guangdong Power Station - China (with a 2,400 megawatt capacity)
3. Okutataragi Hydroelectric Power Station - Japan (with a 1,932 megawatt capacity)
4. Ludington Power Plant - Michigan, United States (with a 1,872 megawatt capacity)
5. Tianhuangping Power Station- China (with a 1,836 megawatt capacity)
Pumped storages' new use is to level fluctuating outputs of intermittent power sources. Pumped storages supply a load at times of high electricity output and during low demand of electricity, making it possible for additional system peak capacity. Pumped storage systems help in controlling electrical network frequency and generate reserve generation aside from energy management.
ReTech Power and Water Engineering specializes in leading edge renewable energy development, with a history of tackling some of the most challenging engineering problems of the day. Our global experience spans 35 years of diverse project engagement and positions us perfectly to address the current thrust into the much needed renewable energy development of today. For more information on renewable energy, visit our website at

Polymer Electric Storage For High Capacities


If you have ever lifted a traditional lead and acid, wet cell car battery, you know how incredibly heavy they are when they are fully charged. Not very big, they have a dense heaviness that is, if you will pardon the pun, shocking to most people. The problem with their weight is simple; the heavier each part of the car is, the less efficiently it will burn fuel. Lightening the automobile has been part of the goal of car makers for years. The steel reinforced tanks of yesteryear are not driven anymore. Those beasts have been replaced with more fuel efficient, lightweight cars in most cases. Now, as electric and hybrid cars become more and more mainstream, the eco-conscious will make the switch. Polymer storage devices could hold play an important role in energy storage.
A hybrid car uses batteries and gasoline to work. For instance, when a hybrid is coasting down a hill, the mechanical energy is converted to electricity which is then used to charge the battery for times when it is needed. Using the polymer electric storage system will allow more energy to be stored without the added bulk and weight of a traditional battery. Polymers are lighter and far more flexible than any other energy storage system seen so far.
Polymers are blended with ceramic particles to "improve energy density" ( The ferroelectric polymer has a higher breakdown strength while the ceramics have higher "permittivities." In plain English, the polymer blends formulated by scientists will improve the maximum electric fields that the composite can store without decreasing. The ceramics actually allow the storage to take place.
Other uses for these polymer blends could eventually include computers, fold-able screens, and other electronic applications. Polymers can be processed at room temperature, meaning no high heat processes to worry about, they are easy to make and easy to manipulate.
Right now the only problem in dealing with the polymers is the actual blending of the ceramics and the polymer materials themselves. If they are not mixed correctly they will not store energy correctly. The ceramic particles also have individual issues when being mixed in with the polymers. All issues with the mixing must be handled at the same time or the resulting storage system will be doomed to poor performance and inevitable failure.
Reference: Polymer Electric Storage, flexible and adaptable (no author). Posted August 20, 2008, retrieved August 16, 2009 from
Eco20/20 is a cutting edge informational site. The primary focus of the site is clean energy. For almost two year Eco20/20 has been a leader in forward thinking articles.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Elated Hydro, Pumped Hydro, Fuel Cell, Supercapacitor, Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage to meet Peak Hour demand of Grid.

Bulk Energy Storage in Giga Watt devices to meet peak hour demand of the Grid.

Energy or Electricity storage in small quantity is being done by lead-acid batteries and capacitors. Contrary to the general belief that energy can’t be stored in huge quantity there are many devices already in use which may store Mega Watts and even Giga Watts.

Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) systems store energy in the magnetic field created by the flow of direct current in a superconducting coil. Superconducting Magnetic Storage Energy Systems store energy within a magnet and release it within a fraction of a cycle.

In compressed air energy storage, off-peak power is taken from the Grid and is used to pump air into a sealed underground cavern to a high pressure. Compressed air stored is utilized during peak hour for generation of electricity. For compression of air renewable energy sources such as solar and wind may be utilized.

Super capacitors and Ultra capacitors are the new super battery for energy storage. Super capacitors will supply power to the system when there are surges.

A fuel cell is an electrochemical cell that derives its energy from combustible substances such as hydrogen, methane, propane, and methanol. A fuel cell converts a source fuel into an electric current.

Making ice during night and using it for cooling of building at day time is also good idea to store electricity.

Molten salt solar energy storage, Ammonia energy storage, Flywheel energy storage plant and natural and synthetic zeolites are also some innovation which is already in developmental stages.

For storing energy in huge quantity Pumped storage hydro power plant is best option. Water from sea, River, Lake and Used flooded mines may be pumped to height at 500 to 700 meters by making reservoirs at hill. Reversible Pump-Turbine and Motor-Generator set is being used for the purpose. Combined efficiency of this system may be higher than 70%. Off peak power from conventional sources such as Thermal Power Plant or Nuclear Power Plant may be used. Renewable energy sources such as solar or wind may also be used for pumping of water to higher elevation. Pumped storage hydro power plant is very profitable as energy may be purchased during night or off peak period at negligible cost and same power may be sold at very higher prices at Peak Hours. Fluctuation is frequency and voltage may be minimized and smart management of grid is added advantage.

There are old hydro power plants which run on base load and even water is spilled during rainy season. Wastage of energy due to spilling of water may be avoided by increasing generation capacity. By increasing generation capacity these hydro power plants may be used for peak load demands. Installing new hydro power plants involves great cost and time but increasing its generation capacity involves negligible cost and time. This type of hydro power plants may be termed as elated hydro power plant and best for meeting peak hour demand. Commercially these Hydro power plants may bring huge profits for investors and stability in Grid may be ensured by this idea. Pumping losses may be completely avoided which may be more than 25% in case of Pumped hydro power plant.

Elated and Pumped Hydro power plant may store electricity in Giga Watt and these are feasible solution which are ensuring grid stability and bring huge profits for investors. Others innovation is also fast becoming commercially viable solution and may become reliable source of energy storage so that renewable energy may effectively used in future. Development of energy storage devices may ensure effective use of intermittent renewable energy sources such as solar and wind which are source of clean and green energy and may replace other polluting energy sources in future.

Our future is heavily dependent on innovation of energy or electricity storage devices which may pave the way for effective use of clean energy sources.